On the other hand A Curator's Eye: The Visual Legacy of Robert A. Sobieszek was quite nice. It had two collages which made me happy. One collage was by William Burroughs which I enjoyed and hated only because he's in a museum and I'm not and our work is very similar. Other than that its a small exhibit but worth seeing.
After walking around LAMCA we needed to nosh so we made our way to Mani's Bakery on fairfax where we sipped and ate tasty treats. We spoke of Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman, and Nikki S. Lee. I love heated conversations about female photographers.
To make our day even better Celine and I met up with Heather and Filippo at Tourng in Thai Town where we ate delicious soup and got treated to a wonderful meal (thank you Filippo). Then Celine and I cuddled as we polluted our brains by watching hours of Six Feet Under. Yay for brainwashing TV. In the end we had a relaxing, art filled, food filled Memorial Day.

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